Sunday, April 25, 2010

Raccoon rescued from sewage

Berlin - The sight is heartbreaking. Sad, helpless, exhausted, almost fatalistically a small raccoon crouches on a dirty pipe. To his plight can not be talking about: The poor guy was actually - sorry - in Swit ...
Was it curiosity that drove the raccoons to the Berlin Sewage Ruhleben? Every day there are about 220,000 cubic meters of sewage is washed ". A so-called aeration tank are decomposed in the sludge, the raccoon was particularly adventurous. But the investigation went wrong path.
The raccoon, found in nature actually a climbing expert, not return. Nobody knows how long, and then wandered around the unlucky who remained exhausted on a pipe before sewage treatment plant employees discovered him.
Two police officers and five firefighters rushed to the rescue. Out of sheer fear of the two-legged animal, but slid off the tube. His luck: instead of six meters was the fetid broth, only about 15 centimeters deep. The pool had been drained for maintenance purposes.
The Savior showed heart, put on rubber boots and waded after the raccoon in the disgust of water. After several attempts, they had him in the landing net. The raccoon was released. Pissed off he sped away. Safely to the nearby river Spree, to wash themselves thoroughly from head to tail tip.