Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Emirate of Abu Dhabi takes over power at Daimler

Stuttgart - The battered by the slump in sales bauer car Daimler had brought a second emirate as a major shareholder in the house.
Abu Dhabi's 9.1 percent rise aufund the main shareholder Kuwait refers to the second place. The entry geschiehtdurch the issuance of new shares to flow through its purchase of 1.95 billion euro in Daimler's treasury.
The proportion of Kuwait will be diluted and thus falls von7, 6 to 6.9 percent. The state-controlled investment company Aabar zahlt20, 27 Euro for each Daimler shares.
"We are delighted to welcome Aabar neuenGroßaktionär one of our Unternehmensstrategieunterstützt and join with us in strategic projects in the Wegbringt," said Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche.
The Supervisory Board stimmteder necessary capital - the capital stock is Prozentaufgestockt by 10 - on Sunday. Previous Daimler shareholders were able to acquire any shares of both capital increase.
   About an entry from Abu Dhabi had already been Monatenspekuliert. Aabar is controlled by the State International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC).
 This is not unknown among dendeutschen DAX corporations: In October IPIC dieMehrheit had taken over at the service arm of the MünchenerLkw manufacturer, MAN Ferrostaal. The investment portfolio of IPICwird currently estimated at more than 14 billion U.S. dollars.
   Daimler wants to work with its new major shareholder now imTagesgeschäft: Together vonElektroautos and the development of composite materials is to be promoted. `Is being talked about concrete projects," said a Sprecherauf request.
In Abu Dhabi, even dieAutoindustrie for young people to be trained. Nichtzuletzt it should be financed with the proceeds of the billions in capital. Daimler CEO Zetsche wants to be neglected despite billion-dollar savings dieProduktinnovationen not. The biggest shareholder since 1974 Kuwait is committed imUnternehmen. Finally, it was also here Spekulationengegeben, the emirate could expand its share.