Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Data Panne: Now, the police determined

Dusseldorf - disbelief about the breakdown of data with 1064 patients files on a USB stick (EXPRESS reported>).
Since Monday, the detectives identified, disappeared as the sensitive data from the Düsseldorf surgery clinic a doctor's surgery and came to the public.
EXPRESS After the police had handed over the documents at the office, authorities said spokesman Wolfgang Rodax: "We have switched after an initial assessment, the prosecutor's office. With their help, will determine whether there is a criminal offense. "
EXPRESS asked Düsseldorf village women, how they evaluate the case. Pharmacist Claudia S. (33): "If we so carelessly dealt with customer could we. Include" Andrea F. (46): "I would get a shock when herumlägen my findings public. The incident is shocking and scandalous. "Petra L. (36):" I would be legally advise me, if necessary sue the doctor. "
A 28-year-old Dusseldorf who discovered the data on a USB stick, which he claims to have purchased at an electronics-industry market. Sensitive data refers to names, addresses and findings of 1064 patients who have undergone breast surgery at a clinic in Düsseldorf.
The doctor yesterday for the Express: "An employee had stored the data. I am appalled at what happened. Luckily, I was approached by patients not yet on it. "Bettina Gayk, spokeswoman Bettina Sokol, the top Datenschützerin of North Rhine Westphalia:" This is a serious operation, which shows how carelessly in the health sector is dealt with personal data. "
Last year alone were received by the Data Protection Authority 3000 complaints. Employees complained of abuse and disclosure of personal data, video surveillance in the company and e-mail controls. Patients complained about the transfer of data from medical practices. Citizens complained of long-lapsed data about them in the police investigation computer or government files into garbage containers.
"These cases," said spokeswoman Gayk, "after we go or they indicate. We can impose up to 250,000 euros fine. One bank had to pay 100,000 euros, because they spying the creditworthiness of customers and gave them points ( "scoring",'s note). "
Also of interest
The State delegates for Privacy