Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Death threat against super dog Primadonna

Cologne -
Who has the success, needs for the envious not to worry. The dog-trainers also know Yvo Antoni (30). Four days ago he won with his sweet Jack Russell Terrier PrimaDonna the title "Super Talent". Now there is a first death threat. Against the four-legged friends!
For days the phone rings incessantly. Not with Yvo, but with his mother. "Multiple someone has phoned her and never said anything. Until the death threat. He said that he kills PrimaDonna if I am not resigning from the title, "says the Cologne.
He wants to but in any case. Special arrangements he has not even taken. "A security we certainly have not committed and not even our windows barricaded," said Yvo. Still, he knows of course that he polarizes his dog number. "There are people who think all this can be even better. I have no doubt. They have not advertised at the show. "