Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Death threat against super dog Primadonna

Cologne -
Who has the success, needs for the envious not to worry. The dog-trainers also know Yvo Antoni (30). Four days ago he won with his sweet Jack Russell Terrier PrimaDonna the title "Super Talent". Now there is a first death threat. Against the four-legged friends!
For days the phone rings incessantly. Not with Yvo, but with his mother. "Multiple someone has phoned her and never said anything. Until the death threat. He said that he kills PrimaDonna if I am not resigning from the title, "says the Cologne.
He wants to but in any case. Special arrangements he has not even taken. "A security we certainly have not committed and not even our windows barricaded," said Yvo. Still, he knows of course that he polarizes his dog number. "There are people who think all this can be even better. I have no doubt. They have not advertised at the show. "

Thursday, May 20, 2010

79:84 - Last fool the Giants

Düsseldorf - The Brant Bailey 16 seconds before the siren got the ball, the horror fans in 2250 under the Reisholzer Sport Temple was great.
Again, it was enough for the Giants against a cellar child to victory. After the failures against casting and Cologne put it against the severed tail Bremerhaven 79:84 (44:45) setback.
"The defeat is disappointing but is deserved. Bremerhaven has made at the end of the baskets and we do not, "said coach Achim Kuczmann disillusioned.
After the third failure in the series playoffs seem a long way off. While the giants are just one victory in the lucrative eight seats, give away but the way in which the home side lightly the successes currently does not allow any high hopes.
Rather, the Giants look down, because with only six points clear of the relegation zone would be a possible slippage. Of these, the coach will know (yet) nothing: "We continue to fight for the playoffs. I trust the guys. "
But in the crucial phase failed at the sniper again the nerves. After the break, the hosts rendered many missed shots and set up the score. Bremerhaven sat from 65:53 on. Although Brendan Winters met with a triple again to 74:74, but then the polar bears marched with the help of which the Giants on 79:74 and took the points.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shark alarm at the Aachener Weiher

Cologne - As rub joggers, beer garden visitors and picnickers from the distance the eye: three shark fins in the middle of Aachener Weiher?
 The new attraction of the city pool is the catcher of the summer - and also a mystery: at once they were there, turning in slow motion by the wind driven (and anchored to the ground) their rounds - but the creator of the shark gags is submerged without trace .
"They are not biting, they do not hurt, they can stay," laughs Michael Eppenich parks chief officer. "This is just a nice fun!"
Also ... The mysterious man hanging from the Old Town>

Friday, May 7, 2010

Soldo without victory

Cologne - Tristesse on Geißbockheim. Hardly a fan wanted to see on Monday Schalke losers in a pub, no one asked for an autograph.
Instead, camera crews and reporters, the machinations of a question: How long can Zvonimir Soldo still lose?
The worst season start in 17 years (at that time had the FC with Jörg Berger after five games is also just one point) is perfect for the 1:2 against Schalke. And Cologne radioed SOS: Soldo without a victory.
Worse is not a new coach at FC Cologne gestartet.Ganz football question arises: Is rookie coach Soldo with this heavy launcher and the difficult job the right man for the way out of the cellar?
Can he say in his soft voice, his charming, nice, but often uncertain occurrence in the shark tank really Bundesliga? Even making the first names of the candidates follow-up round, like ex-96 coach Dieter Hecking, and especially Hans Meyer.
Where Hecking, who enjoys high reputation in the club head, is more likely for long-term development work, Meyer for short-term rescue.
"The entire Board was of the opinion that we have found the right person with Soldo. And we are even now of this opinion ", pushes manager Michael Meier," the coach has our full confidence. "
 The mood in the team but is subdued. After Schalke Lukas Podolski to bankrupt one saw while walking into the garage to the stadium's naked frustration. Also on Monday ruled in the cabin at Geißbockheim feeling of doom!
In several of indiscipline Wome (a call during a game on the bench) and Ishiaku (delays) Soldo also failed to show toughness - even in public. Petits lack of fitness will be covered for weeks for lack of alternatives.
Now all are waiting for an idea of the coach. But the training camps rethought Soldo rejected again on Monday, after it had already been at the weekend his bravest move, change the jersey color ...
Instead, on Tuesday - as after the Hamburg-bust - the error from the Schalke game are analyzed by video. Suggestions to modify the training something that rejects the Croat. The expensive mountain bikes around, the predecessor of thumb (by the way: even 5 games, but with 5 wins anschaffte Fenerbahce) to pop out after practice, gathering dust in the catacombs of the goat home.
 But, the season is still young - and the coach can still rumreißen the helm! Meier: "Soldo has survived as a player so many pressure situations. He knows what he has to deal with it. "But the young coaches need wins - and fast.
"We were lucky enough to leave. And this is part of football, "implores managers Meier," there are things in this sport beyond the ring. Against Schalke, which was also very unlucky. "
However, a question remains: How many times can Soldo still lose? Often, certainly not more, because the makers of the club now is it already hard enough to put her unsuccessful head coach novice to the public in a favorable light.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Podolski must give up boxing fight

Munich - Lukas Podolski Also on Saturday was a day on which he would have stayed in bed.
That he was not in the starting lineup, because he may have become accustomed to by now. As a substitute for the term, but ran together nothing at all.
At the first shot, he slipped, then there was nothing. And out of his planned visit to the world championship fight his buddy Felix Sturm in Krefeld was in the evening either. If in the present situation might have been the wrong signal. Still Poldi should watch the fight with Christoph Daum.
Sauer was also Bastian Schweinsteiger. He was not in the starting eleven, did not play a minute. This is despite Schweinichen already completed in full uniform was coming on to. His reaction: As brought Klinsi Tim Borowski threw himself Schweinichen the jersey over his head, sat with his face covered in the bank. Later, he left the arena as the first - and sulked.