Sunday, March 7, 2010

Available only in: 2009 will be tough

Bonn - The crisis in 2009. It will also strike hard at Bonn. Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann is certain:
There will be a rise in unemployment, a further decline in trade tax revenue.
 Thus, there were already 2008, a decline of 15 million euros. But Dieckmann was in its last annual press conference as City boss also optimistic: "Bonn is well placed, well-educated people, future-oriented company."
And a good thing that the federal government expected 45 million euros from the economic stimulus package in the next two years to flow to Bonn. Of these, 65 percent of schools will be 35 percent invested in the infrastructure, the OB.
And grinned: "Proposals are already there but in height from 100 to 150 million euros." The city itself is 2009 for the infrastructure of 27 million, good for transport 22 million for schools 19 million euros.
Speaking of schools: "We will create 394 additional places in the open all-day schools." Dieckmann's forecast: In two to three years would be covered 100 percent.
From a standstill in Bonn, given the crisis, therefore the question. So OB Bonn announced what else is doing so in the city:
 The new, sometimes controversial bus service in the SWB will remain on the bench. "The concept needs to be rectified with legitimate complaints."
 Reserved table is optimistic about the demolition Südüberbauung Dieckmann. She hoped that there doing something by the investor. But when it comes to the other area is in front of the station, "I believe that further investment is not feasible there.
During the renovation of the Melbbads one was on schedule, 1.7 million euros will be invested. "We will hopefully be able to open in the summer."
As happy citizens. And for those of Bärbel Dieckmann, there was still a nice compliment: "I love the self-conscious modesty of Bonn."